Macam Macam Pronoun Bahasa Inggris (Kata Ganti)
August 12, 2019
A. Personal Pronoun
Personal Pronoun adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menggantikan orang, benda, binatang atau hal lainnya.
Personal Pronoun bisa digunakan sebagai:
- Subject Nominative (Subjek Pelaku)
- Object Accusative (Objek Pendirita)
- Possessive Adjective (Kata Sifat Kepemilikan)
- Possessive Pronoun (Kata Ganti Pemilik)
- Reflexive Pronoun (Kata Ganti Refleksif)
Keterangan | Subject | Object | Possessive Adjective | Possessive Pronoun | Reflexive Pronoun |
Aku / Saya | I | me | my | mine | myself |
Kamu / Kalian | you | you | your | yours | yourself / yourselves |
Kami | we | us | our | ours | ourselves |
Mereka | they | them | their | theirs | thirselves |
Dia (Pria) | he | him | his | his | himself |
Dia (Wanita) | she | her | her | hers | herself |
Dia (Benda/Hewan) | it | it | its | its | itself |
Kata Ganti Sebagai Subjek
Orang ke | Tunggal | Jamak |
1st | I | We |
2nd | You (kamu) | You (kalian) |
3rd | He She It | They |
Kata ganti sebagai subjek ini diletakkan di awal kalimat.
Untuk lebih jelasnya, bisa diperhatikan contoh-contoh dibawah ini:
- Toni is a student. = He is a student.
- Ayu is clever. = She is clever.
- Toni and Ayu are smart. = They are smart.
- You and Roy are sleepy. = You are sleepy.
- My mother and I are in here = We are in here
- The cat is funny. = It is funny.
- The cats are funny. = They are funny.
Kata Ganti Sebagai Objek:
Subject | Object |
I | me |
you | you |
we | us |
they | them |
he | him |
she | her |
it | it |
Kata ganti sebagai objek ini diletakkan setelahverb (kata kerja) dan setelah preposition (kata depan)
Beni calls Susi . Beni calls her.I call Brian I call himThey know Toni and me. They know usWe help our parents We help them
I like a cat I like it
Possessive Adjective
Subject | Possessive Adjective | Contoh Penggunaan |
I | my | My pen |
you | your | Your pen |
we | our | Their pen |
they | their | Our pen |
he | him | His pen |
she | her | Her pen |
it | its | Its pen |
Apabila menunjukkan milik tidak menggunakan kata ganti (pronoun) diatas tetapi menggunakan nama atau kata benda,
maka digunakan apostrophe (tanda ‘) ditambah s dibelakang nama atau kata benda tersebut.
Contoh: Fatih’s book (bukunya Fatih)
Tetapi jika noun tersebut sudah ada “s” diakhir katanya, maka cukup ditambah dengan tanda apostrophe (tanda ‘) saja.
Contoh: My parents’ house
- My parents’ house (Rumahnya orang tua saya)
- Sulis’ book (Bukunya Sulis)
Possessive Pronoun (Kata Ganti Pemilik)
I | Mine | Milikku |
You | Yours | Milikmu |
They | Theirs | Milik mereka |
We | Ours | Milik kami / kita |
He | His | Milik dia pria |
She | Hers | Milik dia wanita |
Perbedaan antara Posssessive Adjective dan Possessive Pronoun
- Posssessive Adjective diletakkan setelah noun. Contoh: This is my book.
- Possessive Pronoun diletakkan sebelum/tanpa noun. Contoh: This book is mine. / This is mine.
B. Interrogative Pronouns
Yaitu kata-kata yang digunakan untuk bertanya.
- Who = siapa (subject) Who is he talking to? Who are those people?
- Whom = siapa (object) Whom are you playing with? Whom is he talking to?
- Which = yang mana Which of these bags is yours? Which do you prefer?
- Whose = milik siapa Whose is this umbrella? Whose are these gloves?
- What = apa What is your dog’s name? What are you talking about? What is the time?
C. Demonstrative Pronouns
Merupakan kata ganti penunjuk. Yaitu kata: this, that, these, those.Penggunaan this dan these ketika menunjuk sesuatu yang dekat. (berarti: ini)Penggunaan that dan those ketika menunjuk sesuatu yang jauh. (berarti: itu)Singular : this, thatPlural : these, thoseContoh Penggunaan:Singular :This is a hill.Plural : These are donkeys.Singular :That is a mountain.Plural : Those are horses.